Friday, June 13, 2014

A Promise of Change - A Legacy of Failure

I'm not really sure how to open this up. I've had about 6 different introductions to go through - and none of them seem to work. I can't work through my own writing, and I have a feeling that this is going to be more of a shotgun blast of ideas, emotions, and profanity - rather than a strongly worded, heartfelt, well collected blog.

It started out in 2008, a young black president came in demanding immigration reform, ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and strengthening U.S. Foreign Policy. The promises and road plan seemed strong - even for a democrat - and lets be honest McCain didn't exactly seem like the strongest let alone healthiest candidate out there. Still - there was this feeling that the promises weren't true - not to mention I have never voted democrat - and likely never will, so I did the intelligent thing - I didn't vote. I took the lesser of three evils. Anyone who knows anything about voting for the president knows that the electoral college members CAN be bought out and CAN be forced to vote along party lines - thus "popular decision" doesn't apply for anything higher than Senate, Congress, or gubernatorial candidates.

The promises of a changed America were there... but were the promises accurate... did America change?

Yes and No. The promises were not delivered, and America has changed - but not for the better. Instead, over the past few years there has been growing division between "Bleeding heart liberals" and "goddamned republicans" with no true middle ground in between. Sure we hear words like Moderate, or Progressive... but do they even really matter? Not when you look at the big picture - they're simply sitting on the fence, siding with whoever has the best argument with the sweeter deal...

Thus I firmly believe that this Administration is a failure. Not a G.W. Bush "failure" as the dems called it... we're talking the fucking Hindenburg here. We are talking balls-out slow motion yet high speed car wreck into a solid steel wall.

"But Jon that's not fair to say."

Bullshit - watch this.

Since the beginning of the presidency we have seen failures and faltering in foreign policy, which is then reflected in body language from the other party - for example

That's relatively minor... but lets compare a couple that are much more important in the grand scheme.

Not very important, right?

Look closer 

Ok maybe not the biggest deal... except for the political game of handshakes and ushering. Hand on top means dominance in typical male terms. If a man shakes another mans hand and even so slightly twists it so that his is on top... he basically just called you a bitch.

Ok so not a big deal 

Try this one... Look at Putin's left hand and his face. You can tell he knows what just happened.

So lets get this straight... Bush and Vlad were friends. It happened. Supposedly these two still have talks together like old drinking buddies. Vlad and Obama, Not so much here's the thing... Foreign Policy is as much a game as it is a no-shit policy. It is steeped in body language, paperwork, threats, and alliances. That brings me to the main point.

The Ukraine... Obama promised to make it stop, to help out the Ukranians, Vlad thumbed his nose, stepped over Obama's cowering political form, making sure to drag his colossal russian balls across the President's threats, and proceeded to do WHATEVER THE FUCK HE WANTED. Meanwhile - I think Obama was sleeping or something.

This leads to the second point, since 2012, we have seen multiple situations of NORAD scrambling fighters because Russia is pushing the limits with their bombers. The most recent - this past week - seeing these "Charter flights" as close as 50 miles from the shores of Northern California. Feel safe up there Sacramento? We call this posturing. Nothing says "fuck you" like deploying bombers to the shores of another country just to say "What are you gonna do now?" Hell its almost like the cold war never ended huh?

Obamacare. Wow. Uh... I don't even know what to say to that.

Benghazi - we all know the story, few of you know I knew a couple of the guys who were killed. Covering it up at a state department level, not allowing US troops on deck, not giving them the support they asked for weeks before... Really? are you kidding me?
So really, from me to the administration... You guys suck at protecting Americans. Thanks for that.

So lets see around the time of Benghazi we have the Fast and the Furious Debacle, Obamacare failing, a second uprising of the Birthers, and an economy that was on the brink of destruction. It's hard to figure out which one the damn distraction was!

What else - oh yeah, strengthening of the patriot act, resulting in even fewer private moments in life, we've got the drone strike of an American Citizen inside of Yemen. A failed sustainable energy promise, we have Obama using JSOC as his own personal army (look that one up... fucking crazy shit)

We have the Petraeus sex scandal - which though not Obama's fault directly - still under his watch.

There was the Trayvon Martin thing - which REALLY stirred up the racial pot - literally, you criticize Obama, you must be a white racist from the south. C'mon dickheads really? The guy sucks and it has nothing to do with race.

So then there is the Osama thing - anyone remember that little "eligibility to be a president" hearing Obama had on May 2 2011? No? Funny... Osama was killed the same day... Maybe no coincidence... but hey I'm just one guy right?

Lets jump ahead a bit...

Lets talk about Syria... So this civil war has been going on for quite some time and blah blah blah people killing people... its the middle east - what else is new? Well back to foreign policy "Hey Bashar Al Assad put the goddamn chemical weapons down, or we'll fuck you up."

So what does Bashar Al Assad promptly do? Gas the everloving shit out of as many Syrian Rebels as possible. The result... Well ISIL forms and begins dominating everything it doesn't like - we'll get to that in a bit.

VA scandal - what else can be said... Ya done fucked up by not supporting your vets. In the words of the "Whitest Kids You Know" version of Abraham Lincoln - Now you fucked up...

So VA scandal ramps up... so what do we do to detract from that... Hey show the vets we care and rescue that one asshole... so Bergdahl is "rescued" by giving over 5 of the most well known Al Qaeda terrorists out there. Of course they want to hail him as a hero - and they MIGHT get away with it because the troops on deck at the time signed NDAs. Golden plan... Until one of the troops said "Fuck that" and went all whistleblower on the administration and told the damn truth - that guy abandoned us, and then the attacks increased... Paints a picture of a hero yeah?

Now we get to the meat and bones - the point that pisses me off beyond belief.

As an Iraq vet I have had the personal pleasure of watching ISIL waltz through Iraq taking the land we fucking bled for - simply at will. It's an insult. An insult that goes back again to foreign policy. The lack of a strong status of forces agreement resulted in this - prematurely pulling us out resulted in this, and we aren't even using AMERICAN ASSETS to save AMERICAN ASSES in country. Unbelievable.

Know what... I'm done. I don't even think I can coherently continue...




So I decided to end this properly... but still leave my frustrations.

As you can see ladies and gentlemen, over the course of the presidency, President Obama and his administration have virtually destroyed anything that even remotely represents foreign policy. He has abandoned American lives in foreign countries, released terrorists, and forgotten the importance of his veterans - and how we the veterans - could be - if we got our shit together, the true driving force of this nation, as we contain all of the strength, leadership potential, and know-how when it comes to difficult and dangerous times such as these. My hope and my prayer is that we as Americans will take the reigns away from this failed administration and begin driving the US to once again be the economic powerhouse and example of a true Democracy that is by and for the people. It's time to make your voices known. Saber rattling has gotten us nowhere. TAKE ACTION.


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