Friday, April 18, 2014

An open letter to the United States Government

Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow readers, writers, and everyone that reads this. I humbly ask that you, my small readership openly share this post.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the United States Government,

I highly appreciate all of your hard work, and time invested into your offices; however the time invested into office does not mean the work stops there. You see, though you may be the top 10% of families in America, you still work for us, the people, the middle class blue/white collar ladies and gentlemen that form this Great Nation. Sadly, I think the vast majority of you have forgotten that - ultimately turning what was meant to be a beautiful Democracy designed by our forefathers - into a discriminatory oligarchy that is so wound up and focused on making your lives better - that you forget that there are people on the outside that are stuck losing their homes, or have a 2% retirement at 65, heck even the law abiding gun owners are taking flak, having their rights revoked.


Are you afraid of us?

I mean be honest now... are you afraid that the American people have had enough of your shit and may rise against your hand, much like we saw at Bundy Ranch? Did you guys expect it to look like Ruby Ridge (putting Gore in as SD sheriff was a terrible choice. Way to support someone who was actively engaged in the murder of an unarmed woman who was holding a baby), was it supposed to turn into a Waco-esque standoff where the Bundy clan would end up dead and you could continue your multibillion dollar land grab?

I'm looking at you Harry. I am truly surprised you have not landed yourself in a jail cell for 20 years. You are a corrupt elitist lowlife... though at this point that probably sounds more like a compliment compared to the things you tell yourself in your head. The Militia and the Patriots put a hold on your big money plans, eh? Did Rory throw a fit like he used to as a little one?

Mr. Obama, you've been kinda quiet lately. I actually think this was your best move. Supporting the Bundys openly would have showed a lack of faith in one of your own government bureaus, whereas openly condemning them would have brought down a shitstorm of American criticism on your head, and we know your approval rating isn't doing too well right now. Quick sidenote... how does it feel to know you will be the sole reason if a Democrat isn't elected next year?

Anyway enough about Bundy Ranch. This is but one example.

Ladies and gentlemen of Congress, many of you have taken campaign (read: bribes) contributions so incredibly huge in number that I would literally be able to live my entire life in comfort and never having to work again. So knowing that yout campaign contributions are simply a bribe to swing votes a certain way, let's get into it.

Mr. Issa, as one of your former constituents, I am pleading with you to get to the bottom of the Benghazi scandal. More than one of those guys were personal friends of mine. Is a human life not worth justice any longer? Surely you must have friends that owe favors. If Leland Yee can be investigated, why can't Hillary? You run the House Oversight committee, don't let this be an oversight. The rest of the GOP needs to back you on this, because honestly it looks like a big shit sandwich, and we know the answers are in there.

Onto guns... Bloomberg... hanging out with Shannon Watts? My God, you guys really are afraid aren't you. Let me break this to you kindly. There is not, nor will there ever be a gun free America. You will never take our guns, and all you continue to do by pushing legislation that makes certain features or add-ons illegal - is make more of us originally law abiding citizens break your laws by having to either go out of state or deal with shady arms dealers to get what we wanted to use. Californians and New Yorkers know what I am talking about here. Not only that, the more you try to control our guns, the more we run to get more, faster. If anything you are shooting yourself in the foot. Pun intended. Lay off the gun control thing, it makes you look weak. Not that you don't anyway.

Ms. Shannon Watts, dead kids are never the grounds for any platform. You should be ashamed of yourself. Don't take my rights as a law abiding, drug free, veteran, just because there are assholes in the world. it isn't fair to people like us, amd it makes you look weak, wormy, and uneducated. By the way... look at Boston, hundreds of rounds to take down the Tsnarevs, yet a good trained law abiding shooter could have probably dropped them both in 4 or 5. P.s. you take guns, people are just gonna find other ways to kill eachother.

Alright now to address the concept of veterans. Who is this raging idiot that wants veterans to tell their neighbors about their military service. We are US Military you dingbat, not fucking rapists or pedophiles. Maybe you should register in with your neighbors and tell them about how much of an idiot you are.

Secondly, members of the government, we were sworn to protect the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Clean up your act, you guys are public enemy number one and we are getting tired of it.

Thirdly. 22-23 veterans die by way of suicide per day. The VA needs more help and more attention. Stop throwing money at Egypt, massive vacation entourages, and a healthcare plan that is costing everyone more than their last one did... seriously... a lot of my brothers and sisters right now are contemplating ending their lives... do more to help us the way we came to help you when the country called for war.

Addressing Veterans:

Never ever give up hope. There are gentlemen (and ladies) like myself more than willing to be there at a moment's notice. We are all still in this together, and though combat has come and gone... we still fight our battles with ourselves. Love you guys and girls.

With that said...

Mr. President, members of our esteemed Congress, federal employees...

Please start standing up for what is right. Stand up for our rights, and please for the love of God investigate Reid to the fullest. You employees, if your boss asks you to do something that is against your beliefs... trust your beliefs.


Jonathan "Doc" Everest

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Been a bit busy

Sorry Ladies and Gentlemen,

Between work, school, family, and Elder Scrolls online (bastards at Zenimax)

I will post something this weekend that's worth a damn, especially considering my intent focus on the clusterfuckage that has been the news as of lately.


Stay strong!