Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Obsession - Your Rights vs. the Rights of the Elite

I once had someone tell me that I seemed virtually obsessed with the 2nd Amendment Rights and its implications upon a civilian population. This "obsession" if you will is possibly what separates me from the masses who couldn't possibly give a damn less.

You see "obsession" when dealing with political outlooks is virtually necessary to stir up any kind of social movement - whether that be a few individuals that share a view, recruiting others - or a full blown grass-roots movement involving people contacting their congressmen and women, and making waves in Washington. So as we are beginning to see, this obsession leads people to make traction in long term and wide scale bipartisan issues.

Now I'm not saying that you need to burn tires, bras, or midgets in the streets to get attention. Sometimes its a matter of one man/woman standing for a cause, wholeheartedly, and unabashed. Granted once you begin gaining political traction, you will need to guard yourself against aggressive smear campaigns (look at any presidential election). This is where the concept of the elite comes in.

Now - you have to first understand how the US Government views you, the average citizen. This is may come as a shock to some of you... others will say, "No shit Jon, tell me something I don't know" - the latter - this isn't written for you.

You see, the US Government with the elites in Congress, the Senate, the Executive branch and those in the Judiciary branch view you as uneducated, unopinionated, completely apathetic, and lazy. Cue the outrage. Wake up. They're right. Those of you that curse the government under your breaths are the same ones sitting on the side lines - you can't even think freely because you've been in the box for so fucking long. This is the problem. You've been indoctrinated since birth, from social media, to presidents that feel comfortable doing comedy skits, pushing their agenda, with fat middle aged awkward men helping their limping campaign along.

With this said, the elites aren't focused on the concept of you. Frankly, you are a no body, a statistic, a possible risk or benefit factor when it comes to their pre-rigged elections. You see, this is the irony of US Democracy. The people placed in power are placed there by an electoral college made up of individuals that are more often than not, bound to vote for you along their party lines. Under many circumstances, a state that has voted republican, has seen their vote turned to democrat by the electoral college (or the inverse). The only votes that truly matter are the ones that fall to popular vote - because even if everyone were to simply not vote for presidential elections - there would still be one elected. Crazy thought. So what happens is people simply accept it, without so much as an inkling of outrage for a corrupt and damaged system - these are the same individuals that are more than happy to give up their rights in the name of health and safety.

So lets talk about privacy a bit... a very little bit.

Throw it out the window. It doesn't exist. The government is in your home, your bedrooms, your computers, your work, even in your daily conversations. I believe the project was referred to as Mystic... a recording software that is able to simultaneously record ALL phone calls across a country and store them for up to a month. That is a massive database dedicated to prying into YOUR privacy. Of course... we need to have our privacy broken right... I mean that shifty guy down the street that has skin a couple shades darker than yours, and prays to the east on his front porch every day... that guy HAS to be a terrorist... so lets let them listen in on everything. Get real. All throughout history there have been terrorists of every skin color, creed, and religion.

Hell, just a decade ago we were going off about right-wing extremists blowing up abortion clinics, a few years before that, there was blood running through the streets because of those damn Colombian drug runners, and of course can't forget the basis of like every fucking Kung Fu movie known to man - in those mean streets of Chinatown.

The Patriot Act is a load of shit. I know it, you know it, and those dastardly bastards in the Gov know it, but once you have a taste of power - like licking the top of a sugar cube - you have to have it all... every... last... sweet... taste. Yet we support it, because we need to protect ourselves. Frankly in the 2006 risk assessment there was little to no risk of wide-scale domestic terrorism, and yet we supported giving up our rights since 2001...

This goes back to the mindset you mindless self-indulgent head-nodding flock of sheep... Wake the fuck up. It's high time to turn the elitist mentality upside down and give it a shakedown - the likes of which will echo into the annals of history.

Stop cursing under your breath. Get obsessed. Make a move.


Monday, March 24, 2014

The one called abe

Ok so Im going to go ahead and introduce my self.  Forgive the poor grammar and spelling I will be posting from my phone 99% of the time so ill be typing fast and not checking for apelling n such.  Yall can call me Abe.  Im not very pc and frankly i dont give a fuck i swear alot i get angry easy and ill probably throw out a few things that arent 100% true cuz well im gunna post my opinion. Just a few things to drop real quick i am a former corpsman i despise king obama and his court of jesters.  i like my guns and good luck to anyone who trys to take em from me. I am a patriot i love my country that obviously doe't mean i love the government it currently has.  If you dont support the millitary well i hope you like getting punched in the face :) Uhhh thats all for now ill post again soon with some sort of rant probably more for everyones entertainment than anything else but feel free to comment on anything i say good bad whatever u wanna say you wont hurt my feelings any.

Edit: Jon Everest fixed up some spelling, but otherwise left most of this illiterate retardese alone.

A place called home

For our readers, I apologize for the delay. I have been mulling over how to handle this subject, as it isn't always the easiest to explain.

I'm going to go with a more conversational piece tonight. It's weighed heavily on my mind for the past few days since reading a post by OAF Nation. (Bill will recognize this one)

I was inspired...

No, that's not even the word. Commiserated perhaps - with this concept that "Our war is over."

I can't speak for Bill and Slind, but I didn't join on the concept of patriotism, college, or change of pace in lifestyle as so many tend to do. I signed up after I found that a couple of my friends were killed in Ramadi in 2006. Having grown up in/near/around Oceanside, CA (where everyone seems to know everyone), I had some very tight friends that had gotten out of high school and went straight into the Marines. I - on the other hand - decided to try my hand at emergency medicine... I spent a few years working on Paramedic rigs saving lives. A terribly thankless job - but holy shit, at that point in time, it was the biggest rush a kid that came fresh out of high school could ever imagine. I mean - "runnin' hot" going code-three through intersections with a gunshot victim screaming in your face, and police escorts plowing through traffic, all while trying to hold direct pressure AND make a radio report to the local hospital... like I said it's a rush.

And then the news hit home. Like a sledgehammer to the chest... a group of friends, dead. KIA Ramadi, Iraq - and here I was at home using my skills to help out street thugs that got their rocks off shooting each other in the streets... I wasn't making much of a difference, aside from keeping assholes from meeting the reaper. I decided that I would try to make a difference. Fast forward through boot camp, field med, combat trauma management, TCCC, a deployment to Iraq, and eventual discharge.

I'm at a desk now.

There was no real transition, there was no recovery from point A to point B. Nary a moment to breathe... Paramedicine, deployment, not getting accepted to Deploy with 3/5 on the deployment where many, many friends got "schwacked."

Sometimes I wonder what it was all worth, AQ already taking back Ramadi and Fallujah. Its almost too much to bear knowing so many of our losses were virtually in vain because we never truly finished the job... and the survivors guilt... that nagging feeling that I should have been there - My God, it feels at times like it never goes away. That I'll never sit back with these guys over a glass of bourbon again.

----22 veterans commit suicide every day----

So far since getting out in early 2013, I know 5 personal friends that I will never hear from again. They got out and it was all too much. For a while I thought that maybe the pressures of life were too great... now I'm wondering if maybe it's an absence of.

OAFNation said "You know what PTSD is... its knowing that we'll never be this cool again."

I can't help but wonder how close to the truth this is. We as OIF and OEF war veterans knew danger as most never would, particularly those in direct combat, those that worked with the MTT/BTT/PTT teams (when its 15 Marines, 1 Corpsman, and 200+ Iraqi soldiers, many of whom are anti-American, you learn to constantly live in fear that it's going to be one of the IA guys that finally off you... and they have more than enough support to do it) know fully just how dangerous this country is. Then you come home... you come home to a people that ask stupid questions like "how many people did you kill." We all know the answer... It doesn't fucking matter. Fear is fear. PTSD can develop just from living in its shadow.

The system is totally flawed, the VA doesn't even see people for over a year after they get out - and most of us are too prideful to admit we may have PTSD, yet others around us can see it plainly... which plays out the aggressor-victim role over and over and over again. like a broken record.

 I don't have a problem, so back off. Stop looking at me like I'm a victim.

Sadly, many deny their problems until they end up in a drunken depressive rage with a loaded pistol and a bottle of pills... they never truly made it out of county alive.

----The wounds of war aren't always visible----

We all carry them. The first time a gunshot rings out near you and you run to the source rather than away... you know you have been fundamentally changed.

The first time mortars burst nearby - or you run over an IED that didn't go off etc - you just switched to a mindset of borrowed time.

So some of us come back reckless - some withdrawn - some unchanged (I seriously doubt anything phased Bill. He started off as an asshole, ended up one of my best friends, and still an asshole). 

We come back, changed somehow. I wish I could classify it... it just... happens.

God, this is seeming more like a collection of thoughts spattered onto the

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Women of Afghanistan in a Post Taliban World

A fine line must be drawn between cultural relativism and political engagement. The former being the understanding of a culture on it’s own terms and the latter being the moral condemnation of a culture, religious practice, or ideology based on the presuppositions of another.  In examining the morality of Female Genital Cutting (FCG), a tradition practiced by some Muslim societies, 21-st century anthropologists and feminists question if it is even possible to take a stand against it. (Mascia 68) . Undoubtedly any interference, especially American, would be perceived as yet another affirmation of western imperialism, while overlooking the obvious threat it poses to basic human rights would be considered negligent. This creates a paradox, which prevents foreign cultures from being held accountable on the basis of cultural autonomy and it’s women from receiving the support some may need. In a similar manner, women in Northern Afghanistan have been marginalized and forced to accept a diminished quality of life that not only limits their access to modern medical centers but also restricts their social mobility due to the heavy influence of Islam. In this context, religion can be seen as the primary means in which the Taliban regime and Islamic conservatives have used to assert arbitrary despotism over Afghan women, resulting in a new status quo that denies them their basic human rights. This article will investigate the historical background preceding Taliban rule, the factors contributing to the status of women now, and the role of Islam in the newly formed Afghan government.

Historical Background
            Towards the end of the nineteenth century enlightened Muslim thinkers began to look for ways to modernize Islamic communities, which would improve gender inequality and thus give Afghan women a more vital role in society. The first reform was started by Amir Abd al-Rahman who ruled from 1880 to 1901 and resulted in a unified legal system that would increase women’s rights. The next two rulers that superseded al-Rahman created legislation that would prohibit child marriage and forced marriages while increasing awareness campaigns for women’s rights (Riphenburg 410). These reforms remained in effect until the Taliban regime took control of northern Afghanistan after which they reversed the social reforms that gave women equality and replaced them with conservative Islamic laws. The results were severe and widespread, as female TV announcers were forced to quit their jobs, female doctors received death threats if they did not comply with house arrests, and all females received mandatory dress codes.  Women were forced to stay in their homes and have their windows painted black to prevent anyone from looking inside. (Mulrine web 15Nov2012) . Those who vocalized their objections were brutally punished : one man was executed and left hanging in front of  a soccer stadium for three days to serve as an example to others who chose to challenge the Taliban.
Consequently, the lack of female employees and teachers led to a complete realignment of Afghanistan’s social infrastructure. Prior to Taliban rule, women composed 60% of university faculty, 40% of trained doctors, and 50%  government  held jobs. Their dismissal from work severely crippled Afghanistan’s workforce and led to a rise in poverty which effects are still being felt to this day. Most importantly, the lack of female doctors in the country has resulted in record-breaking mortality rates among infants and pregnant women.

The Inadequacy of Healthcare
            Of the 24 million people that are living in Afghanistan,  there is only one clinic for every 24,000  civilians, and of the clinics available to them, only 24 % of  the medical facilities actually have electricity and nearly half of them do not have a female staff (Riphenburg 414) .  Because Afghanistan operates under Islamic law, many men do not find it appropriate to have their wives examined by a male doctor or nurse. In cases of pregnancy, the wife either has a natural delivery or her husband would arrange to have a mid-wife assist in the process. According to Riphenburg’s article on the changed out look for afghan women, 92% of these child deliveries are done without  medically trained  personnel. This explains why 165 infants out of a thousand die before their first birthday and how one and seven mothers will die during childbirth. It is estimated that a woman dies every 30 minutes delivering a child in Afghanistan.
            In a effort to address these problems as well as other medical issues, Afghanistan’s ministry of Public Health developed the “Basic Package of Health Services” (BPHS), which would provide medical care at a low cost. Additionally the program would examine maternal and newborn health, child health and immunizations, public nutrition, communicable diseases in regards to Tuberculosis and Malaria. In order to assess these areas, a national cross-sectional multistage cluster sample survey on disability was used. It consisted of a three-stage cluster sample based on the division of Afghanistan’s local populace. 34 provinces, 397 districts and more than 30,000 villages were assessed and would be representative of all Afghani households however certain areas were omitted for safety reasons. (Jean-Francois 1747). Physicians who had previous experience with large surveys conducted training for interviewers, which were locally educated high school civilians. They assessed several core issues that ranged from Activity limitations and functioning difficulties to health condition and access to healthcare. 
            Their findings indicated that there was a positive reception to the health care centers among female patients who were in remote areas, less educated and physically disabled. This contrasted with higher-class civilians who relied more on private sector and alternative care because they possessed the financial means to pay for it. However despite the positive reception to health care centers, the level of use among poorer patients was still at 18.5%.  Several factors explain the low percentage of use, first being rural areas lack access to BPHS facilities. Because Afghanistan’s rural communities are located in mountainous terrain, many patients who became sick did not have the ability to travel outside of their village leaving them to either die of sickness or recover naturally. Secondly, traditional views of diseases can dissuade a patient or family from seeking out care because of religious beliefs. Some communities believe that psychological diseases and intellectual handicaps are a curse from god.  Lastly, according to Afghanistan’s census, 87% of its population lives in rural communities making access to medical facilities a major obstacle for the Ministry of Public Health.

 Malnutrition and Commodification
The effect of Afghanistan’s diminished workforce is evident in the rise in poverty over the past three decades. In the initial Taliban takeover, bakeries that were owned and operated by women were shut down despite having a customer base of 7,000 (Mulrine web 15Nov2012).  According to a 2002 report released by State of the Worlds Mothers: Mothers and sons at war approximately 25 % of children in Afghanistan suffer from mild to severe mal nutrition.( Riphenburg 407). The consequences of this can be fatal and can even effect the regularity of a woman’s pregnancy. Since Afghan women usually get married at 15, those who were malnourished could have an underdeveloped pelvis which would ultimately result in internal bleeding during their delivery due to fetal trauma.  
Similarly, the paucity of employment throughout Afghanistan has stripped rural families of their financial means leaving them so desperate that they are willing to sell off their daughters in exchange for a bride price- the financial compensation a family receives for giving up their daughter to another family (Riphenburg 406). The International Red Cross  has found evidence to support this claim that indicates girls as young as 10 are being sold off  just for a 220-pound bag of flour.  However it is important to note that these actions should not be looked upon as deficient but rather as a circumstantial consequence to living in a oppressive regime.   The deficiency is vested in the institution itself, which has maintained patriarchal dominance through fear and intimidation. Understandably, Western society may be reluctant to take action given it’s  history of destroying native cultures in the name of god and enlightenment (Rachels 171) .Moving beyond the fear of “repeating history” in light of cultural relativism is an important step towards a solution, which up until this point has resulted in more destruction and violence. However Carole Nagengast cautions in chapter 3 “Politics of Anthropology”   that it can also be used to “excuse, rationalize, or explain women’s differential treatment before the law” (Masica-Lees 69)
For thousands of years humans have struggled to reconcile the inevitability of modernization versus the antiquated values of the past. The dichotomy between science and religion aptly characterizes this struggle, and remains a subject of heated debate and justification for wanton violence both domestically and internationally. However the root of this problem does not lie in scripture or reason, but in the human condition itself. From it, faith or reason can be used as a means to an end, particularly in matters of dominance and power. As Dr Ahmed el- Tayyeb points out, many passages of the Qur’an may be misinterpreted in favor of male superiority which overlooks the central value of Islam:  Justice. God condemns transgression and oppression. (Shaker 296) This value, along with many other passages that endorse gender equality, illustrates the deliberate manipulation of Qur’anic scripture in order to subvert Afghan women and maintain the status quo through religious persecution. The lack of education within the female population, especially in rural areas,  remains a big obstacle to overcome before Afghanistan can successfully achieve social reform. Furthermore, bigger strides must be taken to repair its infrastructure, which will create a sustainable environment for academic and industrial growth. Lastly it is important to look at the women of Egypt, who for almost a hundred years fought for gender equality, as an example to emulate . Their success defied Islamic stereotypes and demonstrated the possibility to live in a Islamic society where they could be allowed to participate in matters outside of the domestic domain and were respected and treated fairly.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Nepotism - the end of the American Dream

Well that was most certainly frustrating... those of you who write, also know how goddamn frustrating it is when you have something you are almost ready to post... and then you lose it all...

This one isn't going to be half as good as the original.

I had a damn cool introduction and I totally forgot what it was... oh well. I guess you'll all just have to deal without it... please forgive any typos as I am doing this one on my phone.

Agendas are as American as apple pie and I am fairly certain, just as numerous. They have existed from the first Continental Congress and have represented a multitude of platforms such as education, gun rights, gun control, healthcare benefits, and a plethora of other controversial subjects and opinions that could be communicated to congress, and ultimately the president by way of lobbyists.

From the moment human kind crawled its way out of the primordial stew (which was what... the 1980s?) We have had opinions and required some form of governing and representation. Now before someone disagrees in their thick drawl, spittin' copenhagen on their computer monitor, and sweating pure bud lite onto the keyboard about "I don't need no governin' this is the U.S. of A."

Let me remind you of Hurracane Katrina and the vast amount of chaos, looting, and destruction that occurred when the system was unable to stand up to the weather. Sorry guys, we do need some level of governing.

So for those of you creationists, God, Adam, Eve, Serpent, Tree, Cain, Abel, first recorded murder. Genesis the abridged version. Cain believed that God favored Abel. This is the earliest recorded suspicion of nepiotism.

So before we go further into this let's discuss the politics of electing a president. The Presidential candidates go head to head for American votes. Popular votes decides the winner, right? Nope! The votes are relayed to the media outlets from the Electoral College, a group of individuals that represent U.S. special interest groups from big oil to Mothers of America, Gun Rights groups etc. Many of these individuals are bound by party lines. So get this... there is no Constitutional or Federal law binding these individuals to cast votes by popular votes! This means that popular vote can and has failed and the only votes that matter are those of the Electoral College. Many of these individuals are bound by party lines, and in turn "popular vote" is adjusted to keep the general public at bay. This my friends is a display of nepotism at its finest. "You scratch my back, I'll make sure I funnel federal money and attention to your cause."

So how else are we seeing nepotism pushing agendas? Easy! We are allowing the wealthy in upper tiers of government to place into power individuals that take hardline stances on issues. For example one of the hottest issues in America is gun control, Connecticut is a perfect example of the raging war on GC. While this fight is going on between the Congressmen, governor and their constituents, President Obama is selecting an individual to take the reins as Surgeon General. Now while this particular individual is a well qualified Medical Doctor they are not tapping the highest qualified doctors in America for this job. This particular doctor has a hardline stance on guns, desiring to completely ban them altogether under the guise of a healthy America.

So lets get this one straight... people who are not the highest qualified ard the ones who are getting placed into high offices because of their views. Does this not seem like a terrible idea to anyone else?

So as long as we use safety and health as their platforms it makes it all ok to break constitutional laws, funnel taxpayer dollars to special interest groups, begin shrinking the military while Russia and Iran are antagonizing us, and meanwhile China is selling US debt to other countries.

I may never understand what the hell happens in DC but I know three things for sure.
1) if I were president, I would research every single executive order in my first 100 days and burn each one that was unconstitutional

2) I would put the highest QUALIFIED individuals in the other offices... not ones who kissed my ass or supported my agendas.

3) Clean out or abolish the Electoral College altogether and return this to a government for and by the people.

The fact is, the dream of American Democracy no longer exists. It's been tampered with so many times that it is a simple bastardization of what the Founders had envisioned. Thomas Jefferson warned us, we didn't listen...

Now what?

Your move America.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The AR

Are you ready for the portion where the discourse begins?

Keep in mind this is an open blog! I want your opinions even if you disagree with my thoughts...

On that note... let's begin

So I, the unhinged one, have been building an AR-15. Partly because I want one... and partly because its what I feel most comfortable with. After having carried am M4 for a year straight, I simply feel more solid with a rifle in my hand than anything else. With that said... I feel I am more accurate, effective, and stable with a rifle than a handgun... which is funny because it seems that many states at this point are doing all they can to try to ban these rifles... This proposes an interesting thought process, with a 1/8 or a 1/7 twist, rifles tend to be more accurate than pistols over longer distances, which in a "shit hit the fan" scenario could mean the difference in collateral damage. Yes... I know some of you would have me "wait for police," but with the potential to preserve life and property, wouldn't you rather someone act in the case of an active shooter, or are we so far into the stage of inaction as people that we would rather hide and hope to not be found and executed in a way that makes old yeller look like a cartoon? Should those of you desire a person spring to action, would you rather them take action with something they are comfortable with, or something that may result in you or your family getting hurt?

Lets be honest, we are demonizing certain guns over others simply because we are afraid of what one looks like over the other. When asked what looks like the least scary fire arm in a line up... most of you would pick something vanilla such as a snubnosed revolver or a glock - why? We have been conditioned to associate certain weapons with authority and "bad guys." Bad guys ALWAYS carry AK's right? Cops have glocks, and in the older movies, some kind of revolvers. SWAT always have m16s or some variant that fires hundreds of rounds in full auto without any reloading.

For those of us that have been in a firefight - or hell even on a range, or doing tactical maneuvers - know that 30 rounds doesn't last long, especially in the case of more than one assailant, and the many of the pistol calibers don't contain the same stopping power as the 5.56, 6.8, or 7.62, let alone the accuracy, stability, or magazine size necessary for a said situation....

Lets get into something deeper. The Constitution was not made to support or ban certain kinds of guns, or tell people how they are allowed to carry them. it simply states that Americans have the right to keep AND bear arms. What does this mean? Keep - own, have, etc... Bear - carry with them, but for what purpose? To protect one's own self, and to stand up to tyrannical government should political means fail. When we look at the political portion of it all,  the US Government is placing illegal and unconstitutional bans on weapons. Why? We have already discussed it. The political means seem to have already failed as the elitists within the US Government continue to flood the Media with scare tactics to sway support. Well lets look realistically...

Did you know that Murder is one of the lowest performed crimes, yet is the highest covered by the media? Have you noticed that they tend to push gun murders to the front of the line... and emphasize that its an ASSAULT rifle, or a SEMI AUTOMATIC pistol? Not its actual nomenclature such as, Glock, AR15, M249 SAW etc...? No murders by m249? My bad.

So get this... The Media ... well almost all forms of public communication are controlled by the FCC. Who controls the FCC? oops! The Federal Government. Imagine that...

So lets take a trip through time... We have individuals like Klebold and Harris, that creepy fucker from the Aurora shooting, and Adam Lanza... terrible - heinous crimes. Crimes for which there is a special room in hell for these people... but how many were listed there? 4? ok so there's another probably 15 mass shooters out there. Great, I get it... so we're looking at 20... with how many millions of law abiding Americans who are now on a crazy uphill struggle against the Fed for the sins of a few? That makes sense... hey lets motor driven vehicles with their 4 deadly killing wheels away from Americans because hundreds of people are killed per year by DUI. Having a gun doesn't equip anyone to become a murderer, having a brain does.

You may not be able to fathom it... but because you are a living human being, you have a statistically higher chance of killing someone as opposed to a hungry shark in shallow Australian waters. Congrats, because you are breathing and have cognitive functions in your brain housing group, you could very well become a killer.

If you are rolling your eyes by now, good, my point has hit home, this is how it feels every time I hear a gun grabber tell me that I'm a danger to society because I chose to exercise my constitutional right to own a gun.

Please, tell me how I'm wrong. I'm excited to hear your opinions.

Entitlement and realignment

My God. Day one and this already needs to be said.

What the hell is wrong with people these days, actively criticizing the military referring to them as murderers, baby killers, and rapists?

I really thought we would have raised our children better than this... and at first I mentally tried assign blame, cycling through everyone but where blame was truly due.

We as parents are stark raving mad lunatics of failure, impressing on our children a society full of princes and princesses... spoiled and entitled kids that hit their teen years as entitled brats with no more sense than when they were toddlers. How did it get this way?

Us. Parents. We one day decided it was the school's job to make sure that our children were morally and ethically autonymous, failing to raise them ourselves with values, morals , and chivalry. We forget that schools are bound by a national standard, and managed by a group of people who hold tenure. To clarify this concept of tenure - teachers who serve four consecutive years fall under a protected class wherein which they cannot be fired unless some sort of criminal activity has occurred - and those teachers that underperform are still allowed to teach classes. So what is the result?

The ultimate result is what we have today the "test score mania" where teachers focus on doing the minimum amount of work necessary to have "passing" grades within a classroom. This inevitably results in the child learning no more moral autonomy than a wild dog in a pack.

These children then go home to their antidepressant loaded parents who blankly stare at tv screen and fail to acknowledge or even understand their kid, let alone try to teach them their own trade. Its no wonder a large majority of kindergarteners can tell you more about the Real Housewives but yet can't tie their own fucking shoes... even if they have those awesome little velcro strap.

Then these kids that are supposed to be our blessing - our posterity - grow to be nothing more than internet trolls, commenting negatively on anything and everything that represents the basic moral standards of integrity, bravery, committment, and chivalry. Its like uncaging a pack of rabid howler monkeys in a pristine victorian mansion - eventually all of the fixtures are broken and the monkeys have managed to shit all over everything.

The kicker here is then we (referencing military and former military) get incensed and make all kinds of heinous comments about these idiots, thereby reducing ourselves to the same level. Old school chivalry would have said nothing of the sort... it simply would have hauled off and hit the offender in the mouth.

In reality maybe we should be looking at mentoring children from broken homes, fighting against teachers unions that support such a strong definition of tenure, and making sure that our own children know to open up a door for a lady or they're going to suffer the consequences. Make bad decisions have lasting consequences, don't back down from your punishments (agh nothing looks weaker than an ineffective flexible worthless parent), and recognize and reward your child for good choices and chivalrous actions.

I still remember the time my own father got down on his knee the first time he saw me fail to open the door for a woman... what he said scared me so shitless at 5 years old, I made sure I ran to open doors for women. I made sure I never deserved that assbeating he promised me.

We have the power to change things, if we actually try - and being an internet douche towards a troll isn't going to change it, but when we take that anger and turn it into something positive, maybe we can do something that benefits society. Maybe there is still time to instill some value before these slackjawed brainless morons take over. I mean really, it's only a matter of time.

We need to get the Cyruses and Beibers out of our household, and be parents again... and hell - maybe a little of the wonder years wouldn't hurt either...

-Doc Unhinged

Doc Unhinged. Founder's introduction.

So... this is the first post on what will likely be a wildly successful blog.

Wrong... this is a home for the inconvenient truths, constitutional rants about everything under the sun, home brewed beers, home made guns, reminescing about deployments, and some of the strangest and mindbending stories you can ever imagine.I encourage you as this ride gets started... share it with people you know. Like a couple glasses of scotch among lifelong friends.

The concept behind Doc unhinged started as a though process based on one that Sean "docinthebox" had come up with years ago. To be honest I am not too sure if he still maintains that blog or if he is even still active duty... in any case this blog is the antithesis of docinthebox, it is meant to express the views of one former Navy Corpsman and those that so choose to participate in comments and those that will eventually be appointed as additional admins. Your opinions will never be deleted, even if they disagree with my own, or others on the page... in fact having an opinion in general is encouraged. No one likes "head nodding sheep.

Ultimately this will be an amalgamation of a multitude of individuals, and their opinions, experiences, and findings. Each is an individual, and each will give you their view as they see it. Many of us are former military, but not all of us, and as we figure out collectively howto use this site, we will become more pproficientin issuing our own brand of life.

You aren't going to like all of us. We have already accepted that; however you will find yourself reading these thoughts and forming your own opinion. I whole heartedly encourage you, please comment. We would love to see your thoughts. If you want to post an opinion piece of your own please contact us at docunhinged@gmail.comThank you for reading.

-Doc Unhinged